Manual/ instructions on how to use EigenCAM app


  • As a customer of one of your NIR enabled Android smartphones - would I also have a license to the EigenCam app?  Can you tell me please how to obtain the license? 
  • Also, is there a manual/ instructions on how to use the app e.g. how to obtain a NIR image form the phone/ camera.
  • With the 750 nm high pass fitler, am I better off using the combined RGB image for further analysis or extract the red channel (or a combination of 2 of the channels)?
  • Would it be possible to find out what steps your team took in the Eigen App to complete the following camouflage-defeat processing, as shown on the EigenCam webpage?



  • You can download it from Google Play store.  The first time you run it, the app will check in to our server to obtain its license.  This is only has to be done once.  By default, we're using your "order purchase" email in our license database.  If you use a different email for the Google Play store please email us so we can update our license database. 
  • Depending on the features you're trying to enhance, it's difficult for us to guess how to manipulate each color plane.  If you have sample imagery that you could send to us, we could suggest a method to extract the features that you want to be enhanced for observation.
  • To obtain the processed image which revealed the camouflage netting for the image above:
    1. Use a long pass 850nm filter.
    2. Under QE menu in EigenCAM app. Subtract the blue color plane to obtain that image.  You can play around with various amplitude to see the various effect for your application.